Wednesday, May 6, 2015

FIRST IMPRESSION: You will never get the second chance to create the first impression
Appointment as the Fourth Official:
Normally, new referees will be appointed as the Fourth Official for matches and this where many FAILED to create their FIRST IMPRESSION to the players and team officials.
1. Personality- dressing, punctuality, pleasant approach, the way you carry yourself in any occasion or your public speaking in meeting prior to matches will give a picture of who you really are
2. Overcoming Problems on the Bench - If you do not think or prepare ahead, then you will fail to overcoe problems from the bench. If you fail to portray your ASSERTIVENESS as a referee to players, substitutes and team officials when attending to problems from them, you will lose your RESPECT in their eyes. Face these problems calmly but with assertiveness. If their cooperation cannot be attained pleasantly then use your assertiveness and 'referee's stare' in getting their attention. If still fail, then get the assistance of the Referee via the Assistant Referee to get them out of the technical area. 
3. Substitution: Get yourself accustomed with the 'electronic or manual changing board' while in the changing room so that you will not fumble later. Ensure that the player and substitute name and jersey number is in the Start List, the substitution card signed by official, player's equipment checked. Then approach the touch line with the board and the player and get the attention of the AR1, and not remaining at the desk.
4. Injury - as soon as you notice an incident that may result in an injury, either light or serious, stand and stop the physio concern to immediately enter the field. Watch attentively for the referee's signal and then allow the physio or doctor to enter. At the same time get the stretcher bearers ready incase their entry is needed.
5. Player's re-entry - if player who had left the field for what ever reason wish to re-enter the field of play, they may do so from the touch line during play r from any line when the ball is out of play. Get the Referee's attention by pointing to the direction of the player who wish to re-enter if he is not standing next to you so that the referee can signal for the entry. If a player is out for injury, ensure that he does not have any blood stain on him or his equipment (jersey, sock etc.)
6. Warming up - substitutes warming up behind the goals or at the designated area need to be observed too. If they are not warming up and just standing, they should be asked to get back to their bench Get the assistance of the team officials. Whatever problem from the bench, make sure the TASK is COMPLETED before returning to your desk.
7. Management of Reports - make sure that all report forms are completed. They should be BRIEF, EXACT or CORRECT, NEAT and LEGIBLE, Re-check before submitting.
CAUTION: As you grow or develop in your career, the same set of players and officials may also be developing with you till the higher level league. Therefore, CREATE YOUR FIRST IMPRESSION.
FIRST IMPRESSION: You will never get the second chance to create the first impression
Pelantikan sebagai Pegawai Keempat:
Pada lazimnya, pengadil baru akan dilantik sebagai P4 di dalam pertandingan dan di sinilah ramai GAGAL untuk menciptakan FIRST IMPRESSION dalam kalangan pemain dan pegawai pasukan.
1. Penampilan Diri - pakaian, ketepatan waktu, kemesraan, cara membawa diri di dalam majlis atau bercakap di mesyuarat penyelarasan perlawanan memberikan suatu gambaran awal terhadap personaliti anda
2. Menangani Masalah Bangku Simpanan - Jika anda tidak langsung memikirkannya terlebih awal, anda akan gagal untuk menangani masalah dari bangku simpanan. JIka anda gagal MENONJOLKAN KETEGASAN anda sebagai pengadil kepada pemain2 simpanan dan pegawai pasukan ketika ada masalah dari mereka, anda akan hilang RESPECT dalam kaca mata mereka. Hadapi masalah bantahan dari mereka secara tenang dan tegas. Jika tidak mendapat kerjasama secara mesra gunakan ketegasan renungan mata (Referee's Stare) ketika berhadapan dengan mereka. Jika masih gagal untuk mendapatkan kerjasama, dapatkan perhatian Pengadil melalui AR1 untuk mengeluarkan mereka dari bangku simpanan.
3. Penggantian - Biasakan diri dengan ;changing board' atau 'electronic changing board' agar tidak kekok ketika ingin digunakan. Pastikan nombor yang ingin masuk dan keluar ada di dlam startlist, kad penggantian ditandatangani, peralatan pemain. Bergerak dan berdiri berhampiran garisan tepi dan bukan di meja P4 untuk mendapatkan perhatian pengadil dan AR.
4. Kecederaan - sebaik saja ada insiden yang mungkin ada kecederaan yang parah, bangun segera untuk menahan Fisio dari terus masuk. Perhatikan isyarat dari pengadil dan dapatkan fisio dan/atau usungan untuk dimasukkan.
5. Masuk semula - jika ada pemain yang telah keluar untuk apa jua sebab dan ingin masuk semula, mereka boleh berada di garisan tepi ketika bola di dalam permainan. Dapatkan perhatian pengadil dengan menunjukkan arah di mana pemain itu berada agar isyarat pengadil dapat diberikan. Jika pemain keluar kerana kecederaan berdarah, pastikan tiada kesan darah di bahagian tercedera dan pakaiannya.
6. Memanaskan badan - pemain yang memanaskan badan di belakang garisan gol perlu juga diperhatikan. Jika mereka berdiri tanpa aktiviti warm up dapatkan perhatian jurulatih agar mereka kembali ke bangku. Apa2 juga masalah dengan bangku simpanan, pastikan TUGAS SELESAI sebelum kembali ke tempat anda.
7. Pengurusan Laporan - pastikan semua butiran di dalam borang laporan RINGKAS, TEPAT, SAH dan KEMAS tulisannya. Semak semula sebelum diserahkan.
INGAT: Ketika anda meningkat di dalam kerjaya, pemain dan pegawai yang sama mungkin akan meningkat bersama anda. Oleh itu,